
During the last few years, I've been experiencing a mounting sense of anxiety about the inauthenticity of the Internet and the effects it's been having on me personally.

But I digress.

This is an 'About' page.

So, let's start with me.

No more concealing myself under the aliases of TEC squared, English Riot or The Riot Way; I am Damien Herlihy.


Having been born and raised in Brisbane, Australia, I eventually returned to live there - bookends bring a sense of closure, don't they? 

Everybody loves a neatly wrapped package.

And here's mine:


  • Twenty-five years old. Leave Brisbane. Travel the world. Fall in love with South East Asia - it must have been the lack of guardrails that made me take a liking to it.
  • Did a Celta in London. Got my first teaching gig in Bangkok - teaching children. It was a car wreck of terrible lessons, screaming kids, and hangovers.
  • Felt guilty about the 'passengers' in my car wreck, and decided to get serious about teaching English. I undertook a Masters of Teaching English as as Second Language.
  • Taught in Melbourne in an English for Academic Purposes setting. Wore a variety of hats: Teacher, Coordinator, IELTS examiner, Action researcher, Award winner... The car wrecks were in my rearview vision now.
  • Met my future wife, tied the knot, and together we opened a language school in Trat, Thailand.
  • It was hard work, but we made something of it. Fingers crossed the students at our school get something from it too.
  • Lots of side projects - different iterations of the same thing. At its core a failed YouTube channel about teaching and learning English as a second language. Oh, also, had a kid.
  • Pandemic with a side of mental health woes. If it doesn't kill you, it only makes you blah, blah, blah.
  • About two years ago returned to Brisbane.



So now I run the school remotely - a silver lining of the pandemic. I rebuilt my mental health over a year or two. I freelance for the English Teaching Professional making bi-monthly videos.

And then there's this project!

Let's return to my opening statement. My unease over the coming shitstorm of inauthenticity on the Internet - aided and abetted by AI. Content is forever being dumbised, optimised, or algorithmised for likes, shares and subscribes. Don't get me wrong I was in there - getting my hands dirty - for a slice of that eyeball pie.

And maybe I'd still been in there if I had been successful at it. The thing is though, AI is going to speed up this content treadmill exponentially. If things seem inauthentic now, you ain't seen nothing yet...

So, I had a hit wall with the current paradigm of content creation and I wasn't sure what was next... Until I stumbled upon Maggie Appleton and the 'Digital Garden' movement.

Appleton described a 'Digital Garden' as follows:

A garden is a collection of evolving ideas that aren't strictly organised by their publication date. They're inherently exploratory – notes are linked through contextual associations. They aren't refined or complete - notes are published as half-finished thoughts that will grow and evolve over time. They're less rigid, less performative, and less perfect than the personal websites we're used to seeing.

This articulated a vision for my unease. A place to still create and share, but without the inauthenticity of social media. I've borrowed heavily from Maggie's format for a 'Digital Garden', but decided to give my garden a space theme. Instead of a garden populated by seeds, buds, and evergreens, I have a digital universe with stars/notes, constellations/patterns, and galaxies/essays.

Let the countdown begin.

Oh... If you want me to be shooting star in your personal knowledge universe then read my 'Services' page!

Contact Me

If you would like to discuss any of my topics of interest, collaborate on a project or be coached, please drop me an email.

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